Information regarding our range of products may be found below:

Life Insurance

In simple terms life insurance is designed to provide benefits for those left behind when somebody dies. There are many different ways to do this and although a simple product getting the right product, structured in just the right way can be far from simple. Read more.

Personal Planning Services

Whole of Life Assurance & Critical Illness Cover

Whole-of-Life Assurance is a type of policy designed to pay out at the time you die whenever that should be. As long as you maintain the policy there is a guarantee that, on your eventual death, the sum assured (level of Life Assurance cover) will be paid to your Estate. This type of policy is often used in simple trust related Inheritance Tax Planning to cover the potential liability to the estate where more complex planning is either not possible or not suitable to your current circumstances. Read More.

Income Protection

The prime objective of Income Protection, (formerly known as permanent health insurance or PHI) is to provide an income for yourself, after your employer ceases paying you in the event of an accident, illness or long term sickness. This cover can also be extended to include a house person’s benefit for those gainfully employed managing a home but unpaid in the strictest sense of the word. Read More.

Pension Planning

This is such a big subject these days that it is very difficult to know where to start in providing some background information. Even since Pension Simplification in April 2006, (commonly known as A day) the options available are numerous and therefore the choices to be made are still sometimes difficult but the aim of a pension scheme remains the same and that is to build a fund that can help to support our lifestyles when we no longer wish to or are able to work. The way that those accumulated funds are used to provide benefits is dealt with in our Retirement Income Options section but to view the basics of schemes available click on the read more link. Read More.

Investments & Savings

This section is devoted to the various methods of putting a bit aside for the future or making sure that the bit that we already have is working as well as it can. The content and ideas available are by no means exhaustive but should give you some idea of the potential, tax treatment, levels of risk and flexibility of some of the various mainstream products and services available to you. Read More.

Contact Us

If you would like to discuss any of the above in greater detail please contact us to arrange a free, no obligation initial meeting or to discuss your arrangements further over the phone.